Thursday 16 April 2020

The Gruffalo

Billie listened to the story of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. Then she made this beautiful diorama so she could retell the story. She is going to bring it to show us when lockdown is over.
Super idea Billie.


  1. Hi Billie
    Wow, I am so impressed with the detail included in your diorama. I can see the tongue, horns and spikes on the back of your Gruffalo. I love that you have included every character from the story and I am particularly impressed with how life like your fire looks.
    This will be such a great prop to use when retelling the story!
    How long did it take you to create from start to finish Billie?
    Hopefully you could share your diorama with Room 4 too, once we are back at school.
    Bye for now
    Mrs Bennett

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Billie, What a great job you have done of making your diorama, I'm looking forward to hearing you retell the Gruffalo sotry when we get back to school. Bye Mrs Bayley

  4. Hi Billie
    I agree with Mrs Bennett. You have added so much detail. I really like the story of the Gruffalo.
    Have you made dioramas before Billie? It was an excellent idea.
    Mrs Fisher

  5. Cool I like it, I am also creative. I think popup art is cool.


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