Friday, 16 October 2020

Pop Art

Do you know what Pop Art is? Today we looked at some Pop Art by Andy Warhol. Have you heard of him before?

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were leaning about being a smart learner and creating our own original media.

We used Lunapic - an online tool and edited our portrait 3 times. Then we put these 3 edited photos together with the unedited portrait in Google Drawings to make a collage.

You can see all the Pop Art on student's blogs by clicking on their name in the side bar. 

Here are some collages from today...

Billie's collage

Heath's collage


Friday, 18 September 2020

Greetings in Te Reo Māori

 We have been working hard at using greeting in Te Reo Māori in Room 3. In our Cybersmart lessons we have been creating scenes where 2 animals meet and greet each other in Te Reo Māori.

Scratch is an online program where we can code our own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share our creations with others. We will share ours on our blogs.
Scratch helps us to learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and use our computational thinking. 

We are still working on our projects because we have just learned today how to add a second scene. 

Here is some of our work so far...

Lyem's work
We were using Scratch in Te Reo Maori. It's going to be hard to make the polar bear catch the penguin.
I'm still working on it but I'm sure it will be better in a couple of days . I liked typing in the Maori words because we haven't done it before. I also liked doing the coding because there was lots of different codes to make sounds, things move, and lots of other ones too.

Georgia's work
We have been learning to use Te Reo Maori in Scratch.
I enjoyed changing the backgrounds.
I found it challenging to to switch the backgrounds.
My digital learning object shows about Scratch and to to use Scratch and how to code.
Next time I would change the backgrounds.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Potato in a Bucket

We have been blogging about our "Potato in a Bucket". We have planted a potato to grow in a bucket. 

You might be asking why we are doing this. We are having a competition with Room 1 and Room 4. The project is for charity. The funds will go to the Alzeihmer's Society. 

You can read all our blog posts by clicking on our names in the side bar on the right hand side.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Animated Names

We have been using Scratch on our Chromebooks to animate our names. We have to set up the scene and add the letters of our name, then code each letter to animate them. 

Have you used Scratch?  Click here for a tutorial on how to animate your name.

Lyem working on his animation

Phoebe working on her animation

Friday, 7 August 2020

Te Reo Māori Mihi - Greetings & Coding

 Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were practising using our greetings in Te Reo Māori in Scratch.

Lots of us have not used Scratch before so it was a brand new experience for all of us.

We had to change the sprite and have 2 sprites. Then we had to use the code blocks to make the sprites do what we wanted. We had to have our sprites greet each other in Te Reo Māori. We tested and debugged lots.

Here is Georgia's first attempt at Scratch. Ka pai Georgia!

Here is Tim's Scratch project. He even worked out how to make the frogs say "Ribit". Ka mau te wehi!

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Dice Times

I set a maths task for my class to create a table to play a maths game called Dice Doubles. From this we talked about other activities with 2 dice, where we could plot results on a table/graph. We came up with Dice Difference and then Dice Times. James had the challenge of working out which numbers would be needed on the x axis to play Dice Times.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Room 3 MEET

Room 3 had their first MEET in April. We loved seeing each other and hearing what everyone has been up to over lock down. It was neat to see the Anzac Ted's that had been made and all the other super learning  shared. Thank you Mrs Torrie for joining us and reminding us about important cybersmart messages. 
As you can see I have gone 'green'. How about we dress up next time?

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Sit A While

The Gruffalo

Billie listened to the story of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. Then she made this beautiful diorama so she could retell the story. She is going to bring it to show us when lockdown is over.
Super idea Billie.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Stomp Rockets

Today Tonui Collab visted Matawai School. Matua Matt worked with  Room 3 to create prototypes of a rocket. The we went on to make Stomp Rockets. They were a great success. Thank you Tonui Collab.

Monday, 24 February 2020