Friday, 28 June 2019

Matariki-Matawai style

To celebrate Matariki we thought about growing food. Garlic is traditionally planted on the shortest day so that's what we did.

We read stories about Matariki and named the seven stars.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Frosty Start

Matawai- Where the hills are high and the frost is magnificent.

All night the spiders wove.
With dewy vines hanging down 
from the tree their web sits in.
We calve handprints on the tops of tables.
Plus our fingers go numb because of the bleakness.
The webs of spiders add to trees with their beauty!
Also the drop on flocks as white as goats.


Frozen water fountains with ice blocking the water.
Spider webs hanging down like fishing lines.
Leaves with ice coats growing on them.
A light layer of ice on the outside tables.
One bit of plastic was covered in a little layers of white ice.
Spider webs with condensation on them, like wet wool.
Puddles were frozen with thick layers of ice.
Plants had light ice on them.
One frozen sock that was left outside.
Lots of spider webs with condensation.


Sunday, 16 June 2019

Young Ukers Concert

Last Friday we performed in Gisborne at the Young Ukers Concert at the War Memorial Theatre.

Listen to one of our you know this song?

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu

This week we start our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu project.
This is where we blog with other schools in New Zealand.

Today we are getting our own student blogs. 
Please visit them and read our online profile that we have written in a Cybersmart way to share our personal, but not private information.

Our partners are:

We are looking forward to sharing out learning and commenting on each other's blogs.