Sunday, 24 May 2020

Dice Times

I set a maths task for my class to create a table to play a maths game called Dice Doubles. From this we talked about other activities with 2 dice, where we could plot results on a table/graph. We came up with Dice Difference and then Dice Times. James had the challenge of working out which numbers would be needed on the x axis to play Dice Times.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Room 3 MEET

Room 3 had their first MEET in April. We loved seeing each other and hearing what everyone has been up to over lock down. It was neat to see the Anzac Ted's that had been made and all the other super learning  shared. Thank you Mrs Torrie for joining us and reminding us about important cybersmart messages. 
As you can see I have gone 'green'. How about we dress up next time?